Carmen Bangert

Carmen Bangert was born in Bonn and developed a special affinity for music at an early age, which she initially expressed on the piano. In 2001 and 2002, she won first prizes in the state and national 'Jugend Musiziert' competition and sang for several years in the NRW state youth choir, where she also performed as a soloist. Even in her youth she was interested in folk and jazz, played drums and guitar and began singing lessons.
She studied opera singing at the Robert Schumann University in Düsseldorf, where she met the musicians Keno Brandt and Jonas Rölleke, who shared her enthusiasm for folk music. She has been a singer and hurdy-gurdy player in the Frisian folk band 'Laway' since 2015 and the three fellow students founded the global folk trio 'La Kejoca' in 2016. They won the German Record Critics' Award in 2022 with their freedom album "Libertad".

Carmen Bangert's wide-ranging musical work extends from early music as a member of the ensemble 'Collegium Frisia Vocalis', to opera singing with 'Fünf Sterne Deluxe' and the 'Takeover! Ensemble', singer and multi-instrumentalist in various folk formations, classical recitals and her work as an alto in oratorios.

Keno Brandt

Keno Brandt grew up with the music of his father's Low German folk band LAWAY, in which he has been active as a keyboardist, bassist and guitarist since the early 2000s.
After studying church music and piano in Bayreuth, Keno Brandt moved to the Robert Schumann University in Düsseldorf, where he gained his A in church music and a master's degree in opera singing. There he met Carmen Bangert and Jonas Rölleke, with whom he founded the global folk trio La Kejoca in 2016.

As a singer, he was engaged at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein and the Hagen Theatre and regularly performs in concerts and oratorios. In addition to the 'classical' paths, he has also performed with the 'Toten Hosen' and 'Fünf Sterne Deluxe' on the stages of the Tonhalle Düsseldorf, the Laiezhalle Hamburg and the Essen Philharmonie.
In 2013, he founded the ensemble 'Collegium Frisia Vocalis', which has made a name for itself under his direction for both lively and historically informed performances of baroque works. Various CD recordings and television appearances document his wide-ranging artistic work.

Jonas Rölleke

Born in Hildesheim in 1991, violinist Jonas Rölleke has always had an affinity for folk music, improvisation and campfire songs alongside his classical training and activities in youth orchestras.
While still studying at the Robert Schumann University of Music in Düsseldorf, he started playing violin with the Frisian folk band 'Laway' in 2014. 

However, classical music is still an important part of his musical work. He played in the 'Converse String Quartet' for several years, has already performed as a soloist in Beethoven's violin concerto, regularly performs chamber music and in various baroque ensembles and plays as a guest in the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Theatre for Lower Saxony. He also plays guitar in the band La Kejoca and is a passionate singer.